Our Story


Sips of Nayture was created after God showed me my purpose was in healing the body through teas. I’ve always been an avid tea drinker but, in 2020, I began to actually create herbal teas from scratch & give them to friends who needed them after the pandemic started. I kept being told that I should sell them but I wasn’t interested in it at the time. It wasn’t until after I became sick myself that I realized I was ignoring the calling God had placed on me.

I always wanted to be a health major in college, but nursing didn’t work out for me & neither did dietetics. My purpose was still in health, I was just going about it the wrong way. God was telling me all along that my calling was in the very tea I had been drinking for years. After I prayed about this calling, and accepted that this was the path I was meant to be on; I immediately began writing out a plan and I never looked back. The earth has always been our best healer — mind, body and spirit. Nayture nurtures.

Our mission is to nourish the human body through nature and love, one spirit at a time.

- Rodne’ Graham, CEO

“The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations.” - Revelations 22:2